Finding The Best Insurance For Your Needs At A Fair Price
Posted on:
23 November 2017
When it comes right down to it, auto insurance is one of those things we can't be without but wish we did have to have. The money paid out month after month is tough, especially for drivers that have never been in an accident. But without the insurance, you would have no protection if someone hits you or your car malfunctions and you are in an accident as a result of it.
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How To Prevent Work-Related Injuries For Telecommuting Workers
Posted on:
22 November 2017
Telecommuting workers are entitled to workers' compensation benefits just as workers on your business premises. Unfortunately, you may not be able to control your telecommuting workers closely enough, and this increases their risk of injury. Take the following measures to reduce the risk of injuries for your telecommuting workers and also mitigate your exposure to workers' compensation claims from such employees:
Create a Telecommuting Policy
One of the dangers of telecommuting workers is that they often have considerable leeway on how they can work and the tools they may need to do the work.
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Four Riders To Consider For Your Home Insurance Policy
Posted on:
22 November 2017
An average insurance policy typically covers damage to your home, the cost to replace lost or damaged items, and some liability coverage. However, there are some circumstances that might require additional coverage. With home insurance riders, you can customize your policy to fit your needs. Here are just some of the many riders available that you might be able to use to make your coverage meet your family's needs.
Home Office And Electronics Coverage
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How To Save Money On Auto Insurance For Your Teen
Posted on:
7 November 2017
If your teen just got their driver's license, you'll want to start shopping for auto insurance. You may be surprised to find that teenage drivers pay the most for coverage. There are many reasons for high insurance costs.
Due to their inexperience, and sometimes reckless behavior behind the wheel, teens are involved in more car accidents than other demographics. Also, driving is one of the leading causes of accidental death for teens.
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